Madrich Training Initiative
The IMJ's Madrich Training Initiative engages Jewish high school students who work or volunteer in Hebrew school classrooms, by empowering them to take a more active role in classroom learning.
For too long, madrichim have been relegated to walking students to the bathroom, or filling cups of apple juice, because their schools can't afford a madrich program coordinator. This initiative addresses that problem, providing both training and in-class coaching for the madrichim.
The program provides three primary benefits:
-Some elementary-level students connect better with madrichim (who are closer to their age) than with adult teachers
-Madrichim take a more active role in classroom learning, and feel more valued by their institutions
-Madrichim are motivated to continue their teaching from year to year, keeping them involved in their communities
To find out more about the IMJ's Madrich Training Initiative, please see our project proposal.