Consulting for Success

Vision and Strategy: Does your organization struggle to articulate its mission and values? Are your leaders and stakeholders heading in conflicting directions? Does your work feel stale, and in need of rejuvenation? The IMJ can help your organization identify its goals, develop a realistic set of strategies, and cultivate investment from your entire community. With renewed energy and clarity, you'll soon be back on the right track! 

Services include long-term strategy consulting, visioning and mission development, executive coaching, marketing and retention strategy, and guidance for effective web presence and social media use. With a nonprofit-focused MBA, Noah Zaves can facilitate the process in a manner that feels comfortable for you, and ultimately leaves your organization (and all of your colleagues) headed in a positive direction. 

To find out if Noah's services are the right match for your organization, please e-mail with your organization's circumstances and goals.

Educational Engagement: Do your classes lack energy and excitement? Do you students complain about having to be in school? Are your teachers struggling to engage students in their respective subjects? The IMJ can help you get those students excited about learning! Our team has years of experience developing positive and constructive learning environments, and a variety of strategies to invigorate your classroom experience. Especially if your focus involves teacher development or curriculum, Jordan Hopstone can customize the perfect solution for your unique organization.

Associate Jordan Hopstone can put the pop back into your school or organization! Jordan has a Masters in Experiential Education, and a background in Jewish teen programming. He can help you optimize your lessons for maximum teen engagement, and he can calibrate your curriculum to highlight currently-popular values like social activism and community connection. 

To find out if Jordan's services are the right match for your organization, please e-mail with your program's circumstances and goals.